Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have come to realise that their are a lot of self-absorbed people in this world. They're so wrapped up in their own problems and own dramas that the thought of anyone else having anything significant occuring in their life is beyond them.

I find this infuriating.

They're the types that in the course of a conversation may ask you once how you are (often in a disinterested tone) before desperately trying to find a means to direct the conversation back to themselves. They are convinced they are the centre of the universe (whether they consciously or subconsciously think this way).

I heard a fact recently, "there are roughly 10.3 trillion stars in the known universe for every person on the planet, whilst our planet revolves around 1 star..."

So my message based on this fact is that people should put their own lives in perspective or at least consider the lives of others. We all have our own achievements, dramas, heartaches, disappointments, moments of ecstatic joy and times of soul-crushing sadness. No one's experiences are more significant than anyone elses.

On that note, I'm going to go to pee, go to bed and stare at the ceiling for a while and silently pray that I am not one of these people.
