Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tranquilize the beast!!

This blog, up until about 5 seconds ago (when I had a kind of epiphany mid-sneeze) was going to be one of my periodic purging of the crazy in my life. I see my inner crazy side as being a kind erractic, unrestrained beast that when it rears it's ugly head requires prompt tranquilization and swift caging. If my inner BBC was to take an animal form perhaps it would be a lion or perhaps a less noble animal...maybe a disease-ridden monkey. I'm not too sure. Anyway, instead of going on a tyrade about;

a) My body being pretty much deficient in everything and pathetic
b) The fact that I'm almost pooping my pants I'm so nervous about starting uni again and the possibility of failure
c) How long it is until summer...

I have decided to write a list of my favourite things (you might have noticed by now that I like writing lists, it's a bit of an OCD trait of mine - For instance, I've already written a "to pack" list for my trip to South America which is 6 months away)

A few of my favourite things...

* Being around my loved ones
* Waking up, my alarm going off and realising I have no where I need to be.
* Being in bed when it's raining outside
* Getting into my comfies after a long day
* Seeing Rhys at the end of a such a day
* Waking up/falling asleep to rain on the roof
* The outdoors
* Being in love (note: this can also be a LEAST favourite thing)
* The euphoria after a Richmond win
* The warm, fuzzy drunk from red wine
* Dinner dates with my bitches
* The relief after handing in an assignment - nothing beats it
* Mojitos in summer
* A good cup of chai
* Cheese
* Cuddles from my significant other
* Summer nights
* People watching - anywhere, anytime
* Baby's laughing
* The feeling of accomplishment after a decent work-out
* Reading the last page of a good book
* Capturing a perfect photo
* Reunions with family and friends
* Well-illustrated picture books
* Going on an adventure
* Long, hot showers
* The drive home FROM work
* Being at airports because they're the gateway to the world
* My bonsai tree
* Sunsets - sunrises are overrated, they're too early and they don't produce the pretty purple colours sunsets do.
* Spending all day long at the beach, no make-up, no stess, sand in my hair and knowing that it's acceptable for me to wear my bathers around for hours afterwards.
* Going to a party when all my friends are collectively reckless
* Wendy's flake shakes
* My new camera
* Wood-fire pizza cooking days at the Barnes household
* Summer at Phillip Island, Rosebud and Tathra
* Beer pong
* Armani Code for Women. Mmmmmm.
* Love Actually - gives me a similar warm fuzzy feeling that red wine does.
* Grand Final Day - everyone is in a festive spirit, getting loose and watching the best game in the world
* Alfred Nicholas Gardens
* Cyber stalking - everyone
* Daydreaming of my trip to South America.
* Palmer's Cocoa Butter
* Bread - a consequence of working in a bakery for so many years
* Sitting in front of the open fire on a cold night

That'll do. I feel sufficiently positive after writing and reading that list that I think I can go to sleep relatively peaceful and content

A couple of side notes for future Emma if, when reading this, would like to know what Emma is actually doing at this current time in her life rather than reading a whimsical discussion on things that present-tense Emma likes... (back to the lists - OCD life)

* Future Emma, your younger self just came back from the snow last week. She went with her boyfriend Rhys to Mount Beauty and attempted to snowboard at Falls Creek. It was a lovely, perfect, relaxing couple of days...however, I will be surprised if you (future Emma) turns out to be a professional snowboarder. Seriously, you sucked so fucking hard. You really don't know how to balance. I hope this has improved for you with age Emma. By the way, current Emma is concerned about her emerging cellulite and frown lines. I assume this has worstened with time...
* At the time of writing I am going to attend a Monash Uni post-grad law welcome breakfast this morning (yes, it has passed 12 so you only have around 6 hours until you have to wake-up). Tough break...
* Election day is on Saturday. Tony Abbott VS Julia Gillard. Future Emma, I sincerely hope you will read this and this will trigger your memory of the election of '10 and you will think "Oh of course! The election of the 21st of August when both the Liberal Party and ALP headquarters were claimed by massive sinkholes that mysteriously and inexplicably swallowed both leaders and the majority of their spin-doctoring, lacking-in-substance, pathetic excuses for political parties whole.

On that note, goodnight my dear cyber friends

P.S Meagy, I assure you you are not crazy as your blog suggests. I am more crazy, however like I said, I tranquilize the beast in its tracks.
P.P.S Speaking of beasts, that reminds me of dinosaurs, the movie 'Jurassic Park' and a conversation I had recently. I think it's time I go back to uni considering that in a discussion of nature's "survival of the fittest" I frequently referenced 'Jurassic Park' over any evolutionary scientists of note.
P.P.P.S I'm sorry if this blog sounds nutso, I'm at my most mentally feral in the wee hours.

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