Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"The Death Bed Theory"

When I was younger and confronted by a major life decisions (which most likely involved the typical Saturday dilemma of whether I should treat myself to a second viewing of 'Die Hard' or go for 'Grease' instead), I had two sure-fire ways to solve such indecision. The first was to write all possible options on alternative sides of a rubber, flick it in the air and let the even hand of gravity decide my fate. Otherwise as a keen netballer (I know, LOL), I would pick up my netball, ask myself a question and go for an impossible shot and if I landed it, the anwser to my question was to be in the affirmative. My point to this story is that kids are stupid AND that I have discovered a much more effective way to assist in making those big life decisions...

I like to call it "The Death Bed Theory". The way it works is, that whenever confronted by one of life's big questions ask yourself what you are likely to think of that decision years down the track when on your death bed. For instance, I was feeling miserable the other day about not having more disposable income to spend on clothes because I've been preoccupied with saving (first world problems). Then I asked myself the question, "Emma, when you're on your death bed are you going to wish you had bought that pair of wedges or would you be more content with the fact you saved that money to travel the world". All of a sudden, material things become unimportant. However, it doesn't have to just be applied to the decision-making process, it can help relieve a sense after guilt after doing something that appears to be negative on its face. A hastily considered example would be eating a lot of cheese on the weekend and feeling guilty about being such a slobby fat mess (relevant to yours truly). When feeling guilty about my excessive cheese consumption I asked myself this "Emma, on your death bed, are you going to look back on your life and wish you ate carrot sticks instead of all that vintage cheddar?" Of course not, because carrots are boring and cheese is amazing.

So in summary, kids are stupid and cheese is the best.

P.S Do not apply this theory when choosing your Subway sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I get stressed/upset about something I ask myself 'will it matter in a week? will it matter in a month? will it matter in a year?'. Usually it barely matters in 5 minutes! I like the theory :).

    I also agree, kids are stupid!
