Friday, May 28, 2010

1,2,3,4, I declare a gender war...

I'm awake and it's late. I'm not going to lie, it's because my ovaries hurt. There, I said it. MY OVARIES HURT! This experience has catalysed a list compiling excercise of all that wrong with being born female. To begin...

1) Child birth - pain, placenta, lots of pain
2) On average women get paid 15% less than men for doing comparative work.
3) Waxing.
4) The expectation of changing your surname when married
5) Going to clubs in winter and having to wear dresses.
6) For my muslim sisters out there, having no rights whatsoever and being treated like substandard humans. Stonings, burqa's, restricted access to education, beatings etc etc.
7) For my African sisters out there, female genital mutilation.
8) Domestic duties
9) Being naturally physically weaker than males
10) Not being able to talk to an unknown male when out (if you have a boyfriend) without others raising eyebrows.
11) Stocking crotch sag. Stockings never fit.
12) Buying a new pair of stockings every week because they seem to be one-use only before getting covered in holes.
13) Menstruation and then one day menopause. Yuck.
14) Girl group politics
15) In relation to the above point, psychological studies have shown that some 40% of women will deliberately tell their girlfriends that what they're wearing looks good if it doesn't. This is so they will look better in comparison and have more luck with potential mates. In other words, girls are bitches.
16) Cosmo and cleo magazines.
17) Gossip Girl - everything wrong with the female world compacted into 30 minutes of viewing.
18) For my Chinese sisters out there, the "one child policy" means that most Chinese parents want a male heir and therefore you will most likely be abandoned by a roadside.
19) Child birth (the need to reemphasise this seemed necessary)

There's plenty more but the four valarian tablets and 3 pandol I just took have just kicked in and I'm getting drowsy. Very drowsy indeed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today I was contemplating my disappointment with my face, body, lack of one talent that I can define myself by/that I was freakishly good at and so on and so forth. Some people are born with amazing pitch and a perfectly tuned ear for music, others are naturally good painters, some people naturally make better acrobats and some people can retain so much information that they will naturally be amazing scientists, doctors etc. Some people become comedians because they have the innate ability to make any situation funny and make people laugh without even making a concerted effort. The examples are endless. I'm envious of people that have a specialized talent or are a leader in their field. Sure I'm good at a few things but there's is nothing special or exceptional about being a good all-rounder. That being said, being the very best at everything would make you a super human and that is impossible (unless you were Leonardo Da Vinci who in my opinion was closest person in history in achieving super human status). All of this had me thinking, that if I were to have the opportunity to rebuild myself from scratch, what qualities would I steal from others....

Face: A toss-up between Grace Kelly, Natalie Portman, Adriana Lima and Beyonce Knowles
Body: Salma Hayek
Brain: A combination of the knowledge of Leonardo Da Vinci, Richard Dawkins, Barry Jones and Peter Singer
Voice: Whitney Houston or Florence from 'Florence and the Machine'

There are many more qualities I wish I could poach from others but for the time being (until science advances to the point that I can upload knowledge from other people's brains for instance), I will have to be content will my freckly, short and somewhat mediocre self.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I already feel uncomfortable with the lack of structure this blog is going to take. One thing stressed at uni more than anything was that when writing (essays in particular) ensure it has a clear and coherent structure and that it flows nicely. Considering I have now officially been an "alumni" for the last 6 months perhaps I can relax such rules...

My mind feels like a scattered mess today. Correction, my mind has been a scattered mess for the last week or so. One minute I feel incredibly happy, the littlest things make me laugh and I fall asleep with ease (a rarity believe me). Other days or even just moments in days, I feel listless, bored with a bit of self-loathing thrown into the mix. I don't know what I can attribute the latter feelings too. I have an awesome family, loyal and fun friends, an amazingly lovely boyfriend and the coolest dog going around but still get moments of the sads. Why? Possible reasons...

1. I've never been rejected or faced as many set-backs as I have in the last 6 months in relation to study. Everything used to come so easy! I wrote an application, sent it in, waited and pow! I was in. Now everything seems so much harder. Perseverence is key but if anyone had the amount of set-backs I've had recently they too would be disheartened.
2. Travel seems so far away. I would like to go now please. I feel like I'm getting stifled by the hills.
3. I'm bored and unmotivated.

I just wish I could rewind back to summer and slow down time so I can relive the days and nights at Rosebud and Rye, drinking at the Portsea pub and lazing on the beach all day.

On a couple of unrelated notes:
* The news tonight featured a report on damage to Myki ticketing systems at railways. Upwey ranked 5th having 15 incidents of damage last year. Upwey is finally on the map. Go Upwey! We have quality, dedicated station rats.
*Despite the considerable flak the Rudd government has copped in recently (at times deserved), I'm impressed with the federal budget. There. I said it.

I just realised how incredibly self-indulgent and emo this blog is so I'll leave it at that I think.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Subliminal message??

see it, hear it, feel it, sing it, say it, dance it, paint it, run it, jump it, dodge it, say it, work it, move it, fix it, write it, fill it, stack it, shake it, say it, buy it, love it, use it, break it, bury it, spin it, smash it, say it, leave it, walk it, spit it, clap it, hide it, mean it, pray it, clean it, say it, throw it, climb it, screw it, draw it, do it, read it, avoid it, say it, touch it, scream it, bin it, push it, tell it, show it, parade it, weave it, create it, sift it, sew it, make it, protect it, teach it, save it, say it, forget it, cut it, plant it, grow it, say it, mould it, bend it, drink it, smoke it, eat it, kill it, try it, replace it, shut it, dream it, swim it, fly it, say it, say it, SAY IT