Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gillard, love and all things vegetable.

No, I am not in love with Julia Gillard. Just because those words are in close proximity to each other in my title should not suggest that I am in love with our newly unappointed PM. This is despite the fact that my significant other made the (dangerous) comment yesterday that my new haircut made me look like her. However, he also accidently headbutted me that very same day, laughed and said "take that you common whore" so I think I'll take the "you look like Gillard" comment with a grain of salt. He must have been having a bad day on COD and it seems that a bad day of COD has the equivalent symptoms of the female PMS.

Going back to Gillard, I am of a mixed opinion of her currently. Sure she has dyed her hair a more flattering shade of red which ever-so-slightly distinguishes her from the common ginger but I still think she is a real bitch at the moment. 100% undeniable bitch. And sure, as a politician I think she is brilliant and has displayed such brilliance in her ability to a) climb so high on the political ladder in what is otherwise a male-dominated arena b) manage the biggest portfolio in federal politics under Rudd's leadership (workplace relations and education) c) be able to relate to the "everyday Australian" - something that Rudd was widely criticized for not doing through his "intellectual jibberish" 4) turn around popularity poll's in the lead-up to the upcoming election. However, despite this, like I said, absolute bitch. She constantly stressed how she would faithfully serve under Rudd and quote "you will see me on the bulldogs forward line before you see me Prime Minister". On the Monday of Rudd's final week/early exit/betrayal/backstabbing/, ALP frontbenchers (including Gillard aka Judas?) stated that Rudd had the full support of the Labour caucas. Yeah...rightio. Whilst this was all happening the supposed "left-wing" socialist Gillard was consorting with her ideological enemies within the ALP - the right-wing faction. So much for "faithfully serving" you scrag! Sure Rudd had his own shortcomings however he was an intelligent man who had nothing but the best intentions and deserved greater dignity than to have the rug pulled out from underneath him after 25 years of public service. I will never forget his final address and the shattered expression on his face as he watched parliament proceed from the backbench. It was a look of total devestation. He was a broken man.

Enough of that, I will now move onto a happier topic. L.O.V.E. I am at the beautiful, giddy, all warm and fuzzy, wonderfully in love zone at the moment. It's amazing that after carrying around a considerable amount of baggage, bitterness and misconceptions about the male species, Rhys has in 6 months eliminated all of them. I struggle to think of anyone more loyal, caring, fun, selfless, kind and honest than Rhys. When I see his face I feel so much affection for him its overwhelming and I get this kind of involuntary spasm that means I must hug him when he's nearby. He is a good person.

Finally, vegetables. I have had it up to here (I wish there were some kind of emoticon that could illustrate me gesturing what "up to here" is) with people asking me "why the fuck would you want to be a vegetarian?" Consequently, my next blog shall provide a point-by-point guide as to why giving up meat is a) philosophically and ethically right b) good for your health and c) beneficial to the enviroment. Eight months on and despite the occasional slip-up (it's hard to go cold turkey - note meat pun), I am still dedicated to the cause and hopefully have proven that this is just not a phase. Taking moral considerations into account, I cannot justify the slaughter of animal for my momentary pleasure of tasting its flesh. We seem to live in an anthropocentric (human-centred) world, however animals and the envionment should not exist purely for human exploitation.

That's enough on that topic. I will delve into it more deeply in a future blog. Oh god... I just realised I have lost much of my readership by the fact that not only did I talk about politics for a considerable period of time but also about vegetarianism. Most people hate politics and hate vegetarians. So great, you probably hate me now.

Stay classy,

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