Monday, June 14, 2010

Lessons we should learn from Riley

"The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley" is a children's picture story book by Colin Thompson that has got to be one of my favourite picture books of all time. You may be asking, "why is Emma reading picture books?" In response, refer to my previous blog and my mention of my Peter Pan Syndrome. Not only that, I love picture books for their illustrations and often cute little life lessons that accompany them. I can't wait to have kids one day purely so I can finally justify buying these books that are in fact marketed towards kids of about five.

Back to topic, "The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley" tells the tale of a rat who appreciates the little things in life and is content with not being, having, seeing the best of everything. The book constantly juxtaposes what is wrong with humans and what we can learn from living a more simple, Riley-esque type existence.

An couple of example passages,

"Riley looked in the mirror and didn't think anything. There he was, not too big, not too small, simply himself - Riley. However people look in the mirror and get very depressed.... They want to be taller-shorter-thinner-here-but-much-bigger-there-curly-straight-younger-older-less-spotty-moustache-smooth-skin-golden-sun-tan-gorgeous-irresistible-not-bald-and-famous-in-a-painting"

"Riley fell in love with the first girl he met. He thought she was perfect and the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. They had lots and lots of perfect children and all lived happily ever after, except Kevin who got hit by a bus but he was still happy because he never saw it coming. People fall in love all over the place... They fall in love with themselves and as many other people as they can. They want to spend the rest of their lives with the most-beautiful-funniest-curviest-clever-but-not-as-clever-as-me-exciting-I-wonder-what-I-ever-saw-in-him/her-my-wife/husband/partner/dog-doesn't-understand-me-do-you-come-here-often-anyone-everyone-in-the-world"

(Tompson, Hatchette, 2005)

In short, this book is gorgeous and everyone should read it! I pick it up when I'm feeling down and it never fails to improve my mood.

However in talking about moods, I'm currently extremely happy for the following reasons (cue mandatory life update)

1. I got into law at Monash. I start in late August! After years of studying I'm now preparing to embark on more years of studying. Wooohoo (?)
2. I'm in love
3. I have the best family and friends in the known universe
4. I've signed up to the gym again and I'm jumping back aboard the health train.


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