Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trust, "faggots" and sugar-free life.

Beware: no thought has gone into this blog whatsoever. I've hastily stumbled into writing this so I can change the little blog title on my facebook page to something a little less emo. I've been letting the emo take over a far too much lately. Kind of like the "bad Spiderman" in Spiderman 3, however I'm minus the cocky attitude and the gay fringe. By the way, if I make any reference to homosexuality on the internet will my readership condemn me like tweeters condemned Stephanie Rice for the use of the word "faggot" in her tweet? If truth be told, in context it was actually quite amusing. Don't get me wrong, in the wrong context I find the word offensive but it's not likely she went on some anti-gay tyrade saying something along the lines of "burn all faggots!" or the like....

Now onto a totally different topic which I am going to start with a dicitionary definition...

Trust: firm reliance on the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing.

Another definition...

Trust: One of the hardest things to obtain and one of the easiest things to lose.

I like to think I am trustworthy kind of person. I like to think I show integrity and character but why, when displaying on the traits that constitutes trustworthiness am I still not completely trusted? I don't get it.

Finally, I will publicly declare that I'm back to eating meat. Not out of choice mind you, it's because I recently found out I'm fructose intolerant and because I can eat so little now, I have to go back to eating meat as it is one of the few things I'm permitted to consume. So I unfortunately have come to the moral crossroads where I have to choose between self-preservation and animal preservation. As a human I position myself at the center of the universe so the former prevailed. I'm not going to lie, I feel dreadful for doing it...really, really dreadful but if you understood how little I can now eat it makes sense. A short and in no way comprehensive list of what I'm NOT allowed:

Almost all fruit (including tomatoes)
Most vegetables (including onion and lettuce even!)
A lot of herbs and spices (no garlic!)
No wheat products (fructose is found in wheat products)
Pretty much any processed food as everything contains sugar
Marinades, sauces, vegetable and beef stocks
Chocolate (or fake chocolate)
Alcohol (no more than 1 glass of white wine)

And that's not eveything. Eating used to be a joy. It's not anymore :o(

In good news! Grand Final Day, Epic Weekend Away, Steresonic, Falls Festival and summer are all just around the corner! Can't hardly wait! (Red flag: Is that also the title of a movie made in the 90s? A horrible, horrible movie?)

That's all

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